วันอังคารที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Beginner's Luck: Week 8

Welcome to the eighth week of my training progression aimed towards the beginner triathlete wishing to complete a sprint distance race in 2008.

You are on the last week of the second four-week block, which is still geared towards your base and endurance phase. You should be rested and ready to up the mileage from last week’s active recovery phase.

At this point you should be starting to think about your race, how good you’re training is starting to feel and about the progress you have made so far.

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Steal is Real กล่าวว่า...

Week 8:

Monday: DAY OFF

Tuesday: Swim 30 minutes

* 200m warm-up, choice stroke
* 4*50 m kick freestyle (as 25m easy, 25m big kick, with 15 seconds rest)
* 5* 75 m freestyle (as 25m breath 3, 25m breath 5, 25m breath 3, with 30 seconds rest)
* 6*25m freestyle (as blast first 15m, easy to the end, with 20 seconds rest)
* 100 easy warm-down, choice of stroke

Total: 1000m
Wednesday: Run/walk 30 minutes

* 5 minute warm-up walking
* 3*(30 seconds jog, 30 seconds faster than jog pace**, 2 minute recovery walk)
* 3*(3 minute jog, 1 minute walk)
* 5 minute warm-down walk
* **Faster than jog pace: see previous week(s) on triathletemag.com

Thursday: Bike 40 minutes

* 15 minute warm-up spin
* 4*(30 seconds left leg spinning, 30 seconds both, 30 seconds right, 30 seconds both**)
* 3 minute recovery
* 3*(30 seconds fast cadence spinning, 30 seconds recovery spin)
* 10 minute warm-down spin
* **Single leg work: look to previous week(s) on triathletemag.com

Friday: Swim 30 minutes

* 200 m warm up choice
* 4*25 m freestyle (DPS, with 15 seconds rest)
* 4*100m (as 75m freestyle/25m double arm backstroke**, with 30 seconds rest)
* 6*25m freestyle (as 15m blast, easy to end, with 15 seconds rest)
* 200 m warm down, choice stroke
* Total: 1050m
* **Double arm backstroke: both arms pull and recover at the same time. This aids in loosening up and relaxing the shoulders.

Saturday: Run/walk 40 minutes

* 10 minute warm-up walking
* 2*(3 minute jog, 2 minute walk)
* 2*(30 seconds jog, 45 seconds faster than jog pace, 2:15 minute recovery walk)
* 10 minute warm-down walk

Sunday: Bike 60 minutes

* 15 minute warm-up spin
* 4*(30 seconds left leg, 30 seconds both, 30 seconds right leg, 30 seconds both)
* 3 minute recovery spin
* 6*(45 seconds standing**, 2:15 seconds recovery spin)
* 10 minutes warm down spin

Steal is Real กล่าวว่า...

**When standing: Make sure that you aren’t leaning on your handlebars. When you lean your weight onto your arms, you lose quite a bit of leg force, and your legs are what will propel you forward out on the road! You should concentrate on driving your foot down the centre of your pedal with one leg, and pulling up with the other. As well, try not to rock your hips back and forth on the bike.


As you can see, you have brought up the mileage and maintained intensity. This week you will have clocked the most miles yet. So it is very important to keep focused, rest up and eat properly. Starting next week, I will be incorporating a bit of heart-rate work and adding in some flippers and swim pull-buoys to the next training block. If your local pool doesn’t have the equipment, look at investing in some. If not, simply do the work without these training devices.

Remember that if you would like to add a few minutes to the end of a workout, proceed with caution, and if you feel that it is too much load, go back to last week’s training. If you are fairly serious about your goals and specific training regime, and have many unanswered questions or concerns, consider hiring a well qualified and experienced triathlon coach to add some personal touches to reflect your own individual strengths, needs and overall well-rounded development.


Proper Breathing is an underestimated, but critical building block of good health. Slow, deep breathing gets rid of carbon dioxide waste and takes plenty of clean, fresh oxygen to your brain and muscles. More blood cells get the new, oxygen-rich air instead of the same old stale stuff. Experts estimate that proper breathing helps your body eliminate toxins 15 times faster than poor, shallow breathing. You'll not only be healthier, but you'll be able to perform better (mentally and physically) and, of course, be less stressed and more relaxed.
For the last 20 years, “Official Ironman Coach” Lance Watson has coached athletes from novice to champion. He enjoys coaching athletes of all abilities who are passionate about sport and personal excellence. Visit www.LifeSport.ca or write him at coach@LifeSport.ca for coaching enquiries.”

Thanks to Jessica Kirkwood for her contribution to this piece.